Blessing Water
You can use any of the symbols to bless water, food, medicine, or other objects. You may now use also the DKM to bestow blessing. There are several ways you can do this:
- Trace the symbol over food before eating it
- Physically write the symbol on a container. (I have done this with the bottles that I brew kombucha in.)
- Hold a bottle of water in your hands and visualise the symbol energising the contents.
You can use your blessed water to purify crystals, to drink as part of your self-healing, in remedies, or to give to plants.
Distant Healing Meditation with Mudra1This meditation is based on Richard Ellis’ teachings.
- Sit down in a comfortable position.
- Draw first DKM and then CKR into the palm of your non-dominant hand. Centre yourself with gasshô meisô.
- State clearly, aloud or in your mind, the name of the person or event that you are connecting to. You could place a photograph of them in front of you instead, or do both.
- Visualise HSZSN, shk, and then CKR, with mantras.
- Form the distant healing mudra over your hara.
- Visualise a sphere of energy within your hara. It radiates bright light in every direction.
- This sphere is powerful. It generates a second sphere, which moves out from you, through the mudra that you formed with your hands.
- The second sphere meets the recipient of the healing. It enters the person’s hara, or the heart of the event that you are connecting to.
- A ray of light connects the sphere inside you and the sphere in the recipient.
- The recipient’s sphere starts to radiate bright light, which purifies and heals all blocked energy. Remain in this state for as long as feels right.
- The recipient’s sphere now expands to surround their entire being, or the whole event.
- Allow the sphere to reduce back to its original size. It travels back to you and is absorbed by your own sphere.
- Your sphere now grows in strength and size, and expands in all directions, surrounding you in bright, purifying light.
- To finish the meditation and close the connection you created, draw a CKR in reversed direction (from the centre outwards) over the recipient or event.
The Distance Healing Mudra
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