This sequence builds on what you learned in level one. It includes a more advanced approach to working on the head, comprising five hand positions. This work on the head is often enough to put the receiver into a deep state of relaxation, facilitating deeper healing as you work on the body. You may also find the receiver already beings releasing unwanted mental and emotional patterns, and that you spend a significant part of the treatment working here.
As you get more experienced with reiki, you may find yourself relying more and more on intuition. After the cranial positions, you may therefore want to work purely from intuition for the remainder of the treatment. If however you prefer working within the structure of the hand positions, you may continue on with the treatment using the hand positions you learned in level one. Hold each position for approximately 3 minutes.
Optional stages are marked with an asterisk.
- Ensure that both the space and you are clear, and ready for the treatment. (See blessing spaces with Reiki.)
- Draw the CKR into your non-dominant hand, proceed to gasshô meisô.
- Trace a CKR several inches above the whole body, passing through each chakra.* (See video below.)
- Scanning* (See video below.)
Cranial Positions
- Ears
- Back of cranium
- Bridge cranium. First rest the head on your non-dominant hand, then trace SHK over forehead with your dominant hand. Finally, place your dominant hand over the forehead and hold.
- Frontal lobes (temples), thumbs touching crown.
- Eyes – thumbs into centre.

Rest of body
- Follow the level one hand positions, or follow your intuition.
- Chakra balancing*
- Ground the receiver by giving energy to the feet.
- Trace a reverse CKR several inches above the body to close the connection.*
- Gently brush down the body with hands.
- Give thanks and bring the client back.
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