You may find friends, family and people you meet are open to receiving Reiki. Use these as opportunities to deepen your experience and knowledge of Reiki.
Energy Exchange
Some kind of exchange is important for any treatment. The client needs to make their own contribution to the healing, not just show up and enjoy a free gift whenever they feel like it. Such a treatment may feel nice, but will probably have little benefit in the long-term.
Reiki is a precious gift, but that does not mean it should be given indiscriminately for free. If you give someone Reiki and ask for nothing in return, you make the receiver indebted to you. As long as they are in your debt, the healing is not fully theirs, and they are not fully free. Release them to become owners of their own healing by charging money or some other form of recompense.
The usual way for the exchange to happen is through paying with money, which puts a value on your own time and effort, and also recognises the value inherent in the system of Reiki. If it is appropriate the exchange could be of other goods or services that will be of value to you. This is particularly true when the person receiving does not have much money.
As a new practitioner you should first treat the practical experience as your reward, so you do not need to ask for money. Think of it as work experience. As you grow in skill and knowledge, you can begin to charge for your time.
It is best to always get verbal permission before doing any energy work with someone. If you want to give Reiki to someone who doesn’t wish to receive it, what are your motivations for doing so? Remember that deep healing requires letting go, and not everyone wants to do this.
The Hand Positions: Treating Others
Normally Reiki is given with the hands directly touching the body, but hovering the hands a few inches from the body is also effective. This is particularly the case when you are treating burns, which should not be touched, and any private areas such as the genitals and breasts.
It is essential to remain comfortable while holding the hand positions, whether practicing on yourself or for someone else. If you are getting tired in one position, move to another one, or shift your body around to get comfortable. This is particularly important when giving treatment to someone else. Never strain your back or any part of your body in order to give Reiki. You may need to use cushions to support you while you sit, or better yet, use a massage table so that you can give Reiki while standing.
There are several variations of the hand positions, including a short treatment in which the client is seated. Two sequences are shown in the reference cards that you received as part of this course. For other variations and treatment timings, see the hand positions videos below.
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