Thank you for believing in our course materials enough to want to use them in your course! We think so too—these materials have been in continual development since 2007, tried and tested with Reiki courses in a wide variety of settings.
You might’ve noticed that there are no ads on That’s because we’re supported by people like you, who are willing to pay for this content. Supporting us is easy: just buy a teacher’s pack. And it makes business sense too: for most Reiki teachers, the amount they invest in buying the teacher’s pack is already recouped in the first course they teach. And the teacher’s pack is yours for life, so you can use these materials again and again. Here’s what you get:
Course plans
The course plan explains how to prepare for a Reiki course, including choosing a venue, preparing the schedule, and practical details from arranging food to what students should do while they’re waiting for their initiation.
Teacher’s notes
The teacher’s notes suggest activities you can run to encourage students to open-up at the start of a course, give you tips for how to explain concepts, and include questions you can ask to prompt student discussion—as well as suggested answers!
The manuals
For many teachers and students, the Reiki manual itself is a core part of the course. You can keep it digital by sending them a PDF version, or print them out so they can make notes and follow along throughout the course.
A Rich Learning Experience
The teaching pack gives you access to slides, activities, symbol and initiation reference cards, and core and supplementary exercises and meditations to use on each day of each course. You choose if you want to use some or all of these for your course. You’ll also be given different options for how to run the activity, for example, you can guide your students through the subtle anatomy quiz game online, or print it out on paper to make a chakra matching card game for your students to arrange as a shared activity in your Reiki classroom.
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