Empowering Reiki teachers and students around the world.
We believe that information about Reiki—how it works, and how to teach it—should be available to everyone. So we’ve released our Reiki manuals, which have been in development since 2007, for free. Dive in now:
What is the International School of Reiki?
We are independent Reiki teachers around the world brought together by a passion for teaching well-informed, student-centred Reiki courses. The course material is written by the director, Kit Johnson. If you’d like to contribute in any way to what we’re doing, please get in touch.
I want to learn Reiki. How do I find an isoReiki teacher?
We can’t tell you who you should learn with, but we’ve got some tips for how to find a Reiki teacher.
I want to teach Reiki. How do I use isoReiki manuals?
Learn how to use these manuals on your course.